Thursday, April 21, 2011

Snapshot Fiction: Visitor in the Darkness

A soft breeze tugged at Vinca’s long hair as she sat upon the thin cushion resting on the window seat. The casement window opened to the night air letting in the breeze as well as the sounds and scents of the city beyond. The palazzo sat up the side of one of the hills of the city giving Vinca a view of the rooftops of the city as it flowed down the hill. She could also see the line of the narrow street in the darkness. Pools of orange oil lamp light broke the shadows of the street at regular intervals until it disappeared around a corner. The street wasn’t lit exceptionally well but enough so those deep in their wine could likely find their way without tripping over their own feet. Or so they could be found when they passed out in the middle of it.

Flickers of light dotted the city and Vinca gazed from point to point, her thoughts wandering as randomly as her eyes. She had tried to sleep but her mind raced and would not let her rest. She could still feel Marin’s warm hand on her back and hear his voice in her ear. After the party where she first met him she never dreamed she would see him again. He was certainly bold. She tried to dismiss him for it; it was downright disgraceful the way he pulled her close to him. Though she would only admit to herself that she found his behavior rather thrilling.

“At last! In the darkness I find my guiding light! Milky white skin surrounded by golden brown hair beckons to me.”

Vinca started and peered into the shadows of the street. Movement beyond the lamplight drew her attention a moment before Marin stepped into the glow. “Marin!” She hissed, looking nervously over her shoulder. “What are you doing?”

He smiled and waved his arms wide. “I have come for you! Your beauty draws me like the sun draws a flower.”

“You have been in the wine! Silence your noise. You will wake the house!” She tried to keep her voice low and winced at the way his voice echoed through the street.

“I did promise to come for you, my Vinca, and here I am. Shall I sing you a song?” He fumbled his lute off his back and nearly fell to the street when he lost his balance.

“You can hardly walk, much less play, you are so full of drink. Begone! Before you are found. My brother will have no mercy on you!”

“I am full on the wine of your beauty, fair lady! Open your door for me and I will show you!”

The door between her room and Fina’s opened suddenly and she jumped, her heart racing as her sister walked in rubbing sleepy eyes. “Tell your musician that others are trying to sleep!” She muttered.

“He is not my musician!” Vinca hissed in return. “And he will not leave!”

“Throw something at him then. I want to sleep! And if he is found Agneta will beat you and make you kneel in prayer for hours! She will be convinced you tempted him to this house.”

“I did no such thing!”

“I will climb to you! Leave your window ajar and I will come to you.”

Vinca stuck her head out. “No! No you must not!” He stood next to the wall of the palazzo staring up at her. “Go away. You must go!”

Fina stuck her head out the window as well. “Begone from here or I will set the dogs upon you!” Vinca cast a puzzled look at her sister. “I mean it!” Fina continued. “They are fierce and you will not survive. They will pick their teeth with your lute!”

“Who is there? What is the noise about?” Both girls and Marin turned to the angry voice further down the street. Marin suddenly looked nervous.

“I will return another time, my Vinca. Tonight I will content myself with dreams of your beauty!” He threw her a kiss and disappeared into the shadows again.

When he was completely out of sight and the street seemed quiet once more, Vinca pulled the window shut before turning on her sister. “Dogs? We have no dogs!”

Fina shrugged and grinned. “And he will only know that if you tell him.”

Later Vinca would be surprised that neither the shouts in the street nor their fiendish giggles woke up anyone else in the palazzo. Once the laughter quieted she made her way in the darkness back to her bed. She felt Fina crawl in the other side and made room for her sister. “My room is too quiet. I am not used to being in it alone.”

Vinca reached out and stroked her sister’s hair. “I know. It seems so empty in here as well.”

“Someday I will have to leave and share my room with a husband. You know Agneta is looking for one for me.”

“I know. If Papá would permit it she would be looking for another for me as well.”

The bed shook with Fina’s stifled giggles. “I do not think she would have to look far. It seems there is a musician who fancies you!”

“Hush!” Vinca nudged her sister in the darkness. “Agneta would never approve of Marin. She thinks musicians spread sin with their music. And he is disreputable! Wandering about drunk and shouting outside my window! It’s shameful.”

“You like him.”

“Go to sleep.”

Fina giggled and tugged on the sleeve of Vinca’s chemise. “You like him! You liked him coming to your window and calling out to you! ‘Oh my Vinca, I am drunk on your beauty!’”

“Hush!” Vinca pulled her pillow out from behind her and struck her sister with it, muffling her voice but creating a fit of giggles. “You will wake the house,” she hissed, glad her sister could not see her burning cheeks in the darkness. She did enjoy the attention but would not admit that to her sister. Marin’s words fluttered in her chest leaving her with a warm feeling that she clung to.

She felt Fina roll over to lie on her side. “You do like him,” she said quietly, her tone serious. Vinca shrugged, the rustle of her chemise the only response in the dark. “Oh Vinca. Agneta would never permit it.”

“Hush. I know. It is just a fanciful thought. That is all.” She sighed and pulled the light blanket up over her. “We should sleep now. I am working with Papá in the workshop tomorrow.”

“Of course,” Fina leaned over and kissed her sister’s cheek. “I will pray for you. Perhaps God will find a way for you to have your musician.”

“Thank you, sister. Good night and God bless.”

“Good night, sister.”

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