Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Snapshot Fiction: Intrigue of the Dance

(Due to an unforeseen interference, this part should occur right after Predator in Velvet and right before Letter to Francesca from Vinca – III)

The first servant that passed found Vinca’s half-full wineglass deposited on his tray. She had lost her stomach for wine; the liquid turning sour in her mouth. Despite her differences with Agneta she cast her gaze around anxiously for her. With that formidable woman watching and judging her every move, nobody, including Domenico, would approach Vinca with even the slightest hint of impropriety. At least that was what Vinca hoped. Though how much Agneta watched over her daughter now that she was no longer a maid was debatable.

A cluster of finely dressed ladies near a corner of the dancing caught her eye and she felt surely that if Agneta were anywhere, it would be among those women. Catching up her heavy skirt in one hand she carefully began to make her way around the floor toward the women. Surely there was safety in numbers.

She gasped in alarm when someone grabbed up her hand and she snatched it back without thinking. When she turned she found herself staring into smiling blue eyes surrounded by unruly locks of light brown hair. The boy (for she could hardly think he was a man; he was barely older than she!) bowed elegantly to her before reaching for her hand again.

“My apologies if I startled you, dear lady. I beg your assistance, however and I fear there are no others that could aid me.”

She pulled her hand closer to her and took half a step away from him, preventing him from taking it again. Though she realized the movement was quite impolite, she felt it inappropriate to allow him to claim her hand so blatantly. “Ask your favor but I doubt I can aid in any way.”

“Ah sweet lady, if you cannot help me then I fear there is no help to be found! Please though, forgive my lack of manners and my forward ways for I am uncivilized in the ways of Siena. I am Marin da Venice, a lowly musician traveling to study my art. Alas I find myself here and have earned a rest to take joy in a dance or two, yet no gentle lady to dance with. Please would you grace me with your presence and join me in the dance?” His smile was engaging and much as she tried to maintain her distance, she found him rather charming.

“Your tongue is not so gilded as you may think, sir. And in fact your attempt at flattery is rather clumsy.”

His smile broadened and he stepped closer, reaching his hand palm up out to her, waiting patiently for her to take it. “Ah but you will dance with me.”

“Your confidence is quite astounding that you do know what I will do before even I know. Pray tell how you manage such a feat.” She tried to keep the smile out of her voice but found the exchange rather entertaining.

“Because I can tell when I gaze into your eyes you have a soul as kind as the Madonna herself and would not leave one so humble as myself begging the favor of your company. And if you would grace me just one dance I would be content for the rest of the evening and be free of burden and able to return to my lute.”

She carefully placed her hand in his and let him lead her to where the sala had been cleared for dancing. Thick calluses on his fingers felt strange against her hand and she fascinated over the feel of them. “So only for the evening?” She said as he twirled her into place behind another couple.

He laughed, the sound warm and comfortable and leaned in to reply for her ears alone, “I fear if I claimed any longer, you would not believe that a dance with you could satisfy a man’s need for more, though the statement would be true.”

She blushed at the bold innuendo of his words and made no response as the music, and thus, the dance began.

Though often she lamented her own skill in the dance, she found his smile and encouragement a balm to her nerves which made the dance seem to flow easily for her this time. He led with grace and skill and seemed not in the slightest disturbed by a misstep or two. The dance was too lively for conversation, however he occasionally made some bawdy observance about other dancers that he whispered in her ear and nearly distracted her from her steps more than once. She knew by the end her cheeks were aflame with her efforts to suppress her laughter. “You should not be so disrespectful,” she whispered urgently to him as he led her from the dance. She tried to sound stern but knew she could not contain her amusement. “Many of these people are very influential and prominent. They could make things difficult for you.”

His impish grin told her he had not a bit of remorse and was quite used to playing such games. “Should they turn on me, then I shall simply return to Venice. Which is my intent before the winter comes again anyway. And I doubt there are many here whose influence reaches so far. Sadly, though, I must depart you and return to my duties at the lute. My master calls for me and I must go take my place.” He bowed gracefully over her hand and departed with every evidence of reluctance though Vinca suspected it was more show than truth.

She watched him return to where the musicians performed and take the place of another young man who surreptitiously slipped from the room. He noticed her watching him and winked broadly at her before he focused on the music before him. Curiosity held her attention on him as his long fingers flew over the strings of the lute. From there her gaze wandered to study his form and it occurred to her that had she studied him before dancing with him she never would have believed him capable of such grace. He was long of leg and body and seemed as ungainly as a young colt. His face mirrored his body, long and narrow and came to a point at his prominent chin. The dimple on that chin was echoed on his cheeks when he smiled and his blue eyes sparkled from deep set eyes. She realized he was not terribly handsome as most would interpret it but his face had such mobility and character to it she suddenly had the urge to capture it with paint. Certainly inviting him to sit for her would never be possible but she continued to study him hoping to catch each detail in her mind to attempt to paint him from memory.

A shimmering flash of red drew her to the dancers and she caught sight of Fina just as the dance ended and her partner led her from the area. Vinca frowned at how close he stood to her younger sister and enclosed her hand in his own. If Agneta were to see such familiarity she would most certainly not be happy.

As if the thought summoned the woman she suddenly appeared next to Fina. Vinca could not hear what was said but the man stepped back and Fina immediately pulled her hand away from him. Agneta took her by the wrist and turned toward Vinca, nearly dragging the younger woman along.

“The wine is flowing freely now. It is time to depart.” She threw a raking glance at Fina. “Before someone does something foolish.”

Vinca did not argue and fell in step with her sister. Anna caught up with them as they departed the Palazzo and began the walk home in the waning light of evening.

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