(ARCHIVE) Cast of Characters

Keeping this page for archive purposes since the story still exists on this blog and maybe someday I'll take it up again. - Vinca

What started as a simple writing exercise between myself and a friend in the UK has grown to something more. So far four women now contribute to this growing story. I hope the readers find it as interesting to read as we do to write.

So far there have been several introductions and mentions of characters and it might be a little confusing so I’ll try to clarify some of that here.

Vinca Taviani – A young widow living in Siena, Italy with her father, mother, sister and other family members.

Fina Taviani – Vinca’s younger sister who was recently betrothed until the engagement was called off.

Francesca De Savona – Cousin to Vinca and Fina. A widow and courtesan living in Venice.

Lady Rebecca Cecini – Friend to Vinca and Fina. Met the young women while traveling through Italy with her father, she now resides and studies in China with him.

Domenico di Marciano Vettori - The head of the powerful Vettori family and patron of Girardus' art.

Marin da Venice - A young musician traveling Italy to practice his art.

Luca Vettori - Younger sister to Domenico Vettori.

Imilia Soletti - Mother to Luca and Domenico and matron of the Vettori family.

Pietro di Girardus Taviani – Vinca and Fina’s older brother who recently moved back in with the family from Piombino.

Girardus Taviani – The father of the family. Girardus is an artist who moved his family to Siena when his fortune turned for the better. He is a progressive thinker and rather indulgent of his daughters.

Bartolo di Marciano Vettori -  Younger brother of Domenico. Older than Luca.

Master Guillaume – Vinca and Fina’s dance tutor.

Blasio di Girardus Taviani – Vinca and Fina’s oldest brother.

Agneta – The mother of Vinca and her siblings. Vinca and Agneta have a tumultuous relationship.

Anna – Sister to Giarardus. An older widow. Kind and loving but very proper in her thinking. She also resides in the Taviani casa.

Simon – Vinca’s deceased husband. Died just over a year after they were wed of typhoid fever.

Lorenzo – Fina’s former fiance’. Her engagement to him was recently called off.