Saturday, March 26, 2011

Letter to Rebecca from Vinca - II

To Lady Rebecca Cecini

To my dearest friend Rebecca, how it lifted my heart to receive your letter. Glad I am that you reached your destination and that you so enjoy it there. Since you left the casa has been bustling with activity! Papá's work has become quite well known in Siena and there seems to be a constant flow of important guests to see him or ladies to visit with Agneta. I find myself with hardly any time to think I spend so much time assisting Agneta in the cucina or entertaining the important ladies. It seems nearly every evening we have guests visiting!

I find myself wishing you could have stayed to join me at the ball my Papá and I attended. I had such a lovely time though never before have I found such joy in dancing. Certainly my skills were an offense to dear Agneta and she insisted Papá hire a dance tutor to teach me proper grace. I believe she also has ideas of hiring tutors for other proper ladylike graces as well. She often tells me I am an embarrassment to her. It is with glad heart that I say I do enjoy the company of the dance tutor Papá found for me. I would hope that he will do as well and show such consideration with others.

If only you were here to meet Lord Guillaume I believe you would find him as curious and amusing as I do. He neither lacks in charm nor humor and patience and is kind with my graceless dance ability. I find him curious though for he has some peculiar habits of dress. I do admit that the first few visits I did not notice, so nervous was I about the lesson, then as I became more comfortable in his presence I realized he wears but one color! His clothing, though finely crafted and well fitted to his form, all comes only in purple the shade of the small flowers Agneta grows in her garden. I have not asked him why he chooses only one color, though it is a fine color against his skin, but I might for we have become well friends.

Recently I received letter from Pietro, my brother in Piombino and he says that soon he will be joining us in Siena. I do look forward to his return for my dear brother has always been so kind to me and I have dearly missed his company since we left. Agneta had hoped he would bring a bride with him but it would seem the maid he courted has chosen another. I think it better this way for I heard it whispered before we left Piombino the maid he set his eye upon was no maid at all. Such thoughts are uncharitable, and it is wicked of me to repeat them so I will say no more.

Agneta has hired a seamstress for the household to craft suitable gowns for her, myself, and my dear sister, Fina. She is a kind woman, but brisk and efficient. It seems she loves her craft, and tries to teach me as she creates her works of beauty. She has promised that even my unskilled hands can be taught to create such finery though I have never been able to master such skill before. I hope she is right for Agneta grows more frustrated with my uselessness as the days pass. She complains often that the painting I learn from Papá is not suitable for a woman. He praises my skill however and I hope she does not succeed in convincing him that I should not do such work at all. In the dance and paint do I find my only joy since the loss of my dear Simon.

I hope your studies go well and that when you return to visit someday you will speak the China man's language for me for I have never heard it and am most curious to hear how it sounds. My dearest wishes that God watches over you and grants you joy and safety in your travels.


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